Does FEDS consider lighting occupancy sensors?
Yes. FEDS now models and evaluates lighting controls, including occupancy sensors. To model existing lighting controls, the user must select the appropriate "yes" response to the "Existing lighting controls?" input and review the existing utilization factors. To infer reasonable utilization factors for the controlled lighting, specify the appropriate space type for the space where the lights exist.
FEDS will also automatically evaluate the savings potential and cost-effectiveness of lighting controls where they do not currently exist. In this scenario, select "no–evaluate occupancy sensor" and identify the most applicable space type. In this case, the "existing" utilization factors identify the portion of time that the lights are currently on, while the "with controls" utilization factors will be used by FEDS to model the impact of the occupancy sensor controls. The "number of sensors required" is used by the cost model to identify how many sensors need to be installed to control the current lighting.