If I run my motors through FEDS, do I need the MotorMaster+ software?
While FEDS models motor energy use, demand, and interactions with the HVAC system quite well, it is not a substitute for the MotorMaster+ software. MotorMaster+ contains extensive motor management and analysis capabilities that are found in no other software program. FEDS recommends general categories and performance levels of motors based on what is currently available, but does not specify particular manufacturers or special features. It is recommended that results of motor analyses from FEDS be used in MotorMaster+ to further refine and specify motor purchase requirements.
For example, the effect of the affinity laws on fan motors can have a significant impact in degrading the efficiency of an energy-efficient motor if it has less slip than the original motor. While it is true that many energy-efficient motors run faster than their standard efficiency counterparts, there are typically energy-efficient motors available with a full-load rpm equivalent to that of the motor it is replacing. FEDS does not account for the effect of speed on energy consumption in centrifugal loads, but assumes the user can find a motor with an equivalent slip as their current motor. MotorMaster+ is an invaluable tool to help users assess the impact of speed on energy consumption and finding the right motor for a given application.