What do the different icons mean next to the FEDS inputs?
The blue arrows indicate inputs that are required for FEDS to run. If any of these cells do not have a value provided, FEDS will not be able to run and will produce an alert either upon saving a screen or updating inferences. Once a valid input value has been provided and saved, the blue arrow will disappear.
The lock symbol that appears next to many of the input cells indicates the value is inferable by FEDS and does not require an input. An open lock icon means the value is not locked and may be changed by FEDS when inferences are updated. The closed lock symbol represents inputs whose value is locked and protected from being changed when inferences are updated. A user may lock a value by either entering a value into one of these cells, or by clicking on an open lock symbol to lock the value that is currently present in the cell.
Input cells that do not have an icon next to them are for values not absolutely required for FEDS to run but are highly recommended. Values, such as the fuel price data and occupancy hours are extremely important (yet a value may not be required for each fuel or day type). Others, such as the energy consumption inputs and building/technology identifications, are not used by FEDS except for reporting and aiding the user in understanding the output.