FEDS can be run on a machine connected to a network. In some circumstances FEDS can even be run remotely from a network computer or file share. However, because each network is different and interference and connectivity issues are possible, for the best performance (and to lower the risk of problems) it is recommended to run FEDS from a local machine.
Custom EPW files may be created by experienced users and imported using the "Import EPW File" option. There is also an option in FEDS version 8 that allows users to view and alter the weather data (e.g., drybulb temperature, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure, and sky clearness). This is presently intended to allow users to make weather adjustments to be used when calibrating a model to conditions for a specific base year. Contact FEDS support for more information.
Yes. FEDS now provides an option to import additional weather station data. An "Import EPW Weather File" feature enables users to access the growing number of weather station data representing many locations globally, as well as more recent records of typical climate data, and even data covering specific time periods or energy modeling scenarios. All data must be in standard EPW file format. Refer to the FEDS User’s Guide for more information.
Sometimes when the system or software crashes, certain files are locked in the system's memory which can cause strange or unstable behavior upon restarting. If this occurs, try quitting FEDS and restarting again. When closed properly, FEDS will tidy up the system resources and work properly the next time it is run.
During a month that has been identified as seasonally unoccupied (also referred to as non-operating), FEDS assumes zero occupancy, all lights are off (except exit signs), and the cooling system is shut down. Heating is operated at a reduced level generally for the purpose of preventing the pipes from freezing (temperature kept at low setpoint specified by the unoccupied season thermostat setting). General plug loads are assumed to be non-operational, as are most motors (although this may be overridden by specifying monthly motor load factors).
Unoccupied hours or day types of occupied months are those periods during which there is reduced occupancy of the building. These are referred to as low occupancy periods in FEDS. For a typical commercial facility this might occur during the night and on weekends. A small number of occupants might be present (though less than during normal operating hours), and all energy systems remain active although they may operate at reduced levels. The operation of HVAC, lighting, plug loads, and motors are all controlled by inputs such as thermostat setpoints (enabling temperature setback), ventilation control mode, and utilization/load factors.
Full 24-hour occupancy can be specified for any day type by entering the same start and end hours (except 0 and 2400). For unoccupied day types enter 0 for both start and end times (or leave them blank). Note: if you do not specify occupancy hours, they will remain blank and FEDS will model the buildings as though they are unoccupied (reduced occupancy). Shortcut buttons are available on the standard occupancy inputs screen to make specifying continuously occupied and unoccupied day types easier.
The best way to check the accuracy of a model is to run FEDS without optimization and compare the annual consumption estimated by FEDS to actual metered data. To do this, go to "Exclude Building Sets" from the "Optimization" option on the "Simulation" screen. Make sure the "Pick Building Sets" method is selected then press the "Select All" button on the left side of the screen (under the list of building sets). After saving, go back and run FEDS. This will take from a few seconds to a couple minutes for FEDS to run the baseline load and consumption calculations for the buildings. Alternatively, running with the analysis type set to "Calibration" will accomplish the same thing. Once complete, review the *.txs report for the case and check the following data:
General case and building inputs on the first five pages (for any obvious input errors)
Energy consumption data by fuel type (page 7)
Electric peak demand value and time of occurrence (page 8)
Annual energy consumption by fuel type and end use (page 10)
Do not expect these to be identical to the metered data—this is a model representation of your buildings and even if extremely precise, will vary due to discrepancies related to actual vs. average weather, human behavior, and more. Therefore, achieving consumption values from FEDS that are within 10-15% of actual values suggests a reasonably accurate model. An experienced user who is knowledgeable about building energy systems and their interactions can successfully calibrate to a much tighter tolerance.
A useful rule of thumb is that a full FEDS optimization run will take a couple minutes per building set. However, run-time depends on a number of factors, including computing resources, processor speed, size, and complexity of the case. The more buildings, use areas, and technologies being analyzed, the longer the FEDS run will take. Additionally, the presence and number of central energy plants and thermal loops will also impact run-time.
Conversely, a calibration run of the same case and computer takes only a few seconds (with additional time to generate the reports). This is because all building sets are excluded from optimization to help focus on the baseline energy results and aid in focusing on model quality assurance and calibration processes.
Installing FEDS will require approximately 1.7 GB of hard disk space. It is also important to have enough free disk space for case files. We recommend another 10-30 MB for this depending on the number and size of site models.
Choose a weather station that most closely represents the weather at your location. Most times it will be a city in the same state as you, but can be in a neighboring state, or in some instances in another region altogether. When specifying the zip code of the site or building(s), FEDS will recommend a weather station that offers the most similar weather to your location.
The blue arrows indicate inputs that are required for FEDS to run. If any of these cells do not have a value provided, FEDS will not be able to run and will produce an alert either upon saving a screen or updating inferences. Once a valid input value has been provided and saved, the blue arrow will disappear.
The lock symbol that appears next to many of the input cells indicates the value is inferable by FEDS and does not require an input. An open lock icon means the value is not locked and may be changed by FEDS when inferences are updated. The closed lock symbol represents inputs whose value is locked and protected from being changed when inferences are updated. A user may lock a value by either entering a value into one of these cells, or by clicking on an open lock symbol to lock the value that is currently present in the cell.
Input cells that do not have an icon next to them are for values not absolutely required for FEDS to run but are highly recommended. Values, such as the fuel price data and occupancy hours are extremely important (yet a value may not be required for each fuel or day type). Others, such as the energy consumption inputs and building/technology identifications, are not used by FEDS except for reporting and aiding the user in understanding the output.
In FEDS MBtu signifies Million British Thermal Units. Throughout the program, the 'M' prefix represents million or 106 (MW, MBtu), while 'k' represents thousand or 103 (kWh, kBtu).
Variable occupancy is an improved approach to the seasonal occupancy option which allows users to specify that certain months are non-operating (e.g., schools may be shut down over summer break). Variable occupancy also offers greater flexibility by allowing users to specify the percent of days within specific months which follow the general occupancy and operation schedule defined in the standard occupancy inputs. One hundred percent indicates the building or use area operates all days of that type during the month according the standard schedule. Zero percent indicates the building (use area) is either non-operating (shut down) or in a low occupancy state (occupied at the low occupancy and equipment use level) for all days of that type during the month. For any value between 0% and 100%, FEDS will multiply that value by the actual number of days of that type in the month and model the resulting number of days (rounded to the nearest whole day) as operating according to the standard schedule. The remainder of the days of that type in the month will be deemed either non-operating or at low occupancy (depending on the selection of non-operating period status type). As a convention, FEDS will model the first X days in the month as occupied and operating to the standard schedule, and the remaining days of that type in the month as non-operating or at low occupancy. The variable occupancy capability provides significant modeling flexibility and is particularly useful in modeling occupancy and building operation that varies within the course of a month, such as for National Guard or Reserve buildings that may only be heavily occupied on certain weekends through much of the year.
Another option for even greater control over building and use-area operation and occupancy (for each hour of the year) is also available. Contact FEDS Support for more information if interested in using this approach.
FEDS now offers 1.116 weather station data locations, primarily from a TMY3 and CWEC sources. From this data it derives such information as heating and cooling design day conditions, hourly temperature, clearness, and humidity profiles for a typical meteorological year. See Appendix D of the FEDS User's Guide for more information.
No. All occupancy hours must be specified by the user. Failing to do so will indicate to the model that the building is operating in the unoccupied mode each day during the week.